There’s always a LAB in our ColLABoration
High-tech innovation labs for startups in the Negev
Execute Your Vision with Synergy7
Welcome to Synergy7, your gateway to innovation in healthcare & biotech, indoor robotics, and cybersecurity.
Located in southern Israel, we are backed by industry leaders like Israel Innovation Authority, Elbit Systems, Clalit HMO (Soroka Medical Center), Dell Technologies, and Ben-Gurion University of the Negev. Our premier R&D labs in Beer Sheva offer an unparalleled environment for startups and organizations to drive technological growth.
Contact Us About The Labs
Cyber Security
Powered by Dell Technologies, Synergy7’s Cybersecurity Lab features a state-of-the-art infrastructure and a Ransomware Demo Room, offering advanced simulations for pioneering security innovation.
Cyber Security
Powered by Dell Technologies, Synergy7’s Cybersecurity Lab features a state-of-the-art infrastructure and a Ransomware Demo Room, offering advanced simulations for pioneering security innovation.
Powered by Elbit Systems, a cornerstone of Israeli industry, Synergy7 Robotics Lab is a beacon of innovation, offering unparalleled capabilities in vision, robotics, communication, and more.
Powered by Elbit Systems, a cornerstone of Israeli industry, Synergy7 Robotics Lab is a beacon of innovation, offering unparalleled capabilities in vision, robotics, communication, and more.
Synergy7’s partnership with Soroka University Medical Center and Ben-Gurion University fosters innovation in healthcare technology, biotechnology, and digital health, creating a unique ecosystem for groundbreaking advancements.
Synergy7’s partnership with Soroka University Medical Center and Ben-Gurion University fosters innovation in healthcare technology, biotechnology, and digital health, creating a unique ecosystem for groundbreaking advancements.
Coming Up
- Healthcare & Biotechnology
- General
Next October
Startups, join us to commemorate the southern police officers who lost their lives in the war through the 'Next October' initiative!
- Healthcare & Biotechnology